Thursday 2 June 2016

Take note and prepare yourselves. In this video, ISYS100 group "Electric Lemons" will demonstrate to you how to become a proper Macquarie university student through easy to learn, simple steps.

Every overpaid actor in this video are also the founders of "People of Macquarie" blog. Using only the latest cutting edge filming technology and bringing to you, the audience. Only the best of the best. Enjoy.


  • Darryn Chan
  • Andre lim,
  • Kim Vinh Nguyen
  • Hawk Mai

Friday 20 May 2016

Hello Cameron Thach, 19 years old, 2nd bachelor of commerce

There is so much judgment of Macquarie University I don’t understand why because it’s a good place to be. The environment around Macquarie University is so relaxed and chill, everyone just gets along so easily. I started studying at Macquarie University straight after high school because parents have always wanted me to go, expecting it to be the same as high school I found it completely different. I like the work load that is provided by Macquarie because it truly pushes you to do think for yourself. The good thing about Macquarie University or any University for that matter is the fact that you start fresh, even though I did bad in high school no one cares about my past. 

Thursday 19 May 2016

Hello Charles Li, 20 years old, 2nd year Commerce

Currently doing bachelors of Commerce with a major in marketing, originally inspired and following the example of my brother in law. Thinking back then when I was forced to come up with an answer for my future career at the age of 16 during high school, I wondered then where I'll be by the age of 40, could I end up with some dead end job or will I be doing something truly meaningful with my life. I could say that I was a cut above average student but had little ambition for the future. Now that I'm in my second year, what do I think of what I'm doing?.. well it's not turning out too well so far, as I'm losing any and all sort of passion for it. I'm kind of stuck in the mud until next year when I have enough points to transfer to another course. Well aside from my slightly depressing side of my life, I manage to stay healthy, maintain a "somewhat" social life as I'm still in contact with my friends from high school and thanks to Macquarie university's  diverse way of allowing people to connect whether it will be through societies, group activities or events, I have met a lot of friendly people. Also, as a hobby I like to play billards.

Hello Tristan Bongolan, 18 years old, 1st year Engineering

Ohhh man! Uni life is hectic in many ways! I'm studying Engineering w/ Arts as a Double Degree, Majoring in Mechanical and also Japanese. I could say that it's pretty enjoyable and really challenging at the moment. In my spare time I like to relax and have some down time with some of my mates back from High school! Also, hitting the bar every now and then and playing sports and video games are also some of the things I enjoy out of university. Doing an engineering degree really takes a lot of days from our week. I have to be at uni for at least 4 days a week with an early start on each day. I usually wake up late so I usually just leg it to the bus in order to get a spot at Physics labs. If I'm not at Uni, I would most likely be working at my part time job soo... yeah only a tad busy.

Hello Long Lam, 18 years old, 1st year Engineering Diploma

First year university is going alright I guess. STA150 is alright in terms of content, but the other students are so talkative and the teacher really doesn't do anything about it so it gets really annoying. ISY114 is pretty chill, the content is somewhat interesting and everyone who talks just jokes around a lot and it's a good time for a university class. University life kinda sucks right now, since its 4 hours of travelling a each day I have classes. Currently 4 days a week this term as well. Out of university I usually hang out with my friends who are interested in cars. We cruise somewhere around Sydney a lot at least once a week and hope not to get defected for our sick mods like blastpipes. I also enjoy going to the gym and making sick gainz, currently my pb's are squat 110kgs, bench 70kgs, and deadlift 140kgs.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Hello Sowil Mahmood, 19 years old, 2nd year Software Engineering

 I started studying at Macquarie University straight after my summer break in 2014. First I was excited to come “a new beginning” however I found it difficult to approach people because my nervous always got in the way. It wasn’t like high school where you knew everyone, every turn I made there was new faces appearing. The good thing about Macquarie University is that they connect people through different group activities, society and events which helps break the tension. “Ubar is awesome the drinks are decent and it’s a good place to hang around”. The one thing I hate about University is the bloody work load, they went through my 2 years of maths studies in high school within half a semester! Once you fall back it’s hard to keep up again. I didn’t expect it to be this much, im just barely keeping up.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Hello Danny Kim, 20 years old, 1st year Bachelor of Business

I started university at UWS and changed over to Macquarie University however im doing the same degree, Bachelor of Business. I love the snack pack from the kabab store, it fills me up and its “sooooooo delicious” the food court alone is where I relax and hang out with my friends maybe even drink abit before class. I don’t care too much about a lot of things and education was never on the top of my list however since I entered university it was like another level of education! I was struggling every single day trying to understand the context, afraid to stick my hand up and make a fool out of myself. I guess that’s why university is so much different to high school. University forces you to grow up and think for yourself.

Monday 16 May 2016

Hello Kevin Nguyen, 20 years old, 3rd year economics

I’m currently in my 2/3rd year of university. I originially did a course in excersise science but switched my major to economics as the flow of our economy, how money works etc. always had intrigued me. Here at Macquarie University so far, I feel that it has been a very meaningful experience. Although at times it can be challenging, it’s very much worthwhile. Days away from uni I usually sleep, study, workout, jog or work. I am constantly busy and occupied as during an average day you would most likely find me at either the gym, university or at work. I use to be an avid gamer, playing such games like HON and Dota with my mates back in the day. Now as I'm preoccupied with work, school, and staying healthy, I no longer have the time for such activity. Also, I enjoy hanging out with my mates during the end of the week..

Sunday 15 May 2016

Hello Kevin Son Tran, 20 years old, 2nd year IT

 I am a second year undergraduate aspiring to be games developer, hence  the reason why I chose to study games design and development as a major for information technology to further build on what I already know about programming. There's little much to know about me, so if I was to describe myself then I would pick silent and unknown. Some of my friends talk about how much they regret their choice when entering Macquarie uni or how they felt unattached to their course. But for me, although I am only in my second year I can say with confidence that I genuinely love programming and I appreciate my subject. I am actually already working on an alpha version of my own action fighting game involving rabbits. Aside that, I occasionally enjoy drawing and watching movies.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Hello Nadia Shaideen, 21 years old, 4th year psychology

About to complete her bachelor’s degree in Psychology where she first began at WSU Bankstown, now finishing off her degree here at Macquarie University. I first began studying at University of Western Sydney after high school. It was pretty good and really easy as you could get through the semester not studying and still finish with a credit average. However, I found that there was a lot less support and the travel was a huge hassle (3 buses, 2hours distance). Transferring to Macquarie University was one of my best decisions as I find not only the campus aesthetically pleasing but the canteen miraculous. At WSU Bankstown, there was only one café food area, where a sandwich would cost $8 and taste dry as paper. Here at Macquarie University the canteen is diverse and also is nearby to Macquarie Centre if you're in need for something else. This is currently my last semester to complete my bachelor’s degree, where afterwards I aim to have a holiday then later start my honors degree. 

Friday 13 May 2016

Hello Kalinda Drain, 19 years old, 2nd year International Relations and Gender Studies

I came here to Macquarie university after two weeks of attending Newcastle University. I found that is wasn’t as respectable in teaching especially in the humanities department as it is here at Macquarie University. At Macquarie university, I found it easier to study whatever you want, and I also find the campus a lot more enjoyable and casual for example, having the pleasant scenery and the occasional food truck. I moved here to Sydney with my boyfriend and friend during first year. I came from a smaller semi-rural town called Maitland in Newcastle which is a lot different to what it is like here in the city of Sydney. It’s a lot quieter and peaceful in Maitland but can get dull, whereas here in Sydney there is constant things to do but places are denser and can make you feel claustrophobic. Away from university I also enjoy the arts, creative arts, photography, reading and watching films.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Hello Nick Millar, 19 years old, 2nd Software Engineering

First of all... Macquarie...campus is amazing. The location of the place and the layout is great. The university has one of the best environments to do your bachelor degree in, compared to other institutions. Though, the only real downside is that iLearn and Echo seem to not be used to their full potential. I must say that one of my most difficult situation in macquarie would be that bloody ENG200 course in its entirely, like it is almost impossible to do that course with its recommended pre-requisites. Either than that, this university is great. That's all I've got to say about this place.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Hello Jamie Linsell, 28 years old, 2nd year Mechatronic Engineering

As of today I am studying a Bachelor of Engineering with a major in Mechatronics and loved it by far. However due to recent issues, I believe that the course structures need better outlining eg, better explanation of majors/minors/electives for new students and better pre/co requisites set-ups
eg, ENG200 should have maths 136 as a pre-requisite as it is near impossible for a math 135 student to even attempt it (personal experience). One of the most difficult situations I always encounter at Macquarie is group assessments with members who contribute little to none. If I was to talk about one of my embarrassing moments, then I guess it would be mentally stumbling on an exam and losing all confidence, and failing the exam miserably.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Hello Michael Vo, 21 years old, 2nd year IT

I'm studying Information Technology with a major in information systems and business analysis and the course is turning out quite great at the moment. Before coming to Macquarie, I used to study at Western Sydney University undertaking a bachelor of medical science. But I knew that it wasn't the right course for me, as if where would that bachelor take me and would I be satisfied with it in the future. Moving to Macquarie University was a refreshing step for me and I believe it was the right decision. Compared to WSU, Macquarie seems peaceful and is full of friendly individuals. Though one thing did not change, and that is the assignments... and the strive to pass the course or everything will fail in life. But I don't let these negative thoughts pull me over. During my daily life, I tend to take my mind of things by playing videos games and hitting the gym, which just lets me keep my mind up to speed. Even though there are some obstacles, I am still here and alive and ready to tackle any difficulties down.

Monday 9 May 2016

Hello Christian Brookes, 39 years old, 2nd year Mechanical Engineering

I am here with 3 unfinished bachelor degrees at the age of 39. Being lured by money and the entitlement of having a job led me to accept a job offer that ultimately restrained me for 20 years. Started off at UTS studying Bachelor of business under a cadetship program landed me a job working for a firm in the morning and studying at night. Challenged by the uninterested topics directed me to start from the beginning with Bachelor of Science. Not long after my education came to an end with the struggle of keeping up with my expenses. Offered a job at a business firm helped greatly to overcome my financial struggles however it was not helping me overcome the repetitive and consuming hours. 20 years has gone by unable to find another job due to my lack of degrees I end up here at Macquarie University studying Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Hello Yuchen Lin, 20 years old, 2nd year engineering

Currently studying Engineering with a bachelors of computer. I believe that Macquarie University is a bright place to study in as we are surrounded by a lot of green and great people. However as nice as it seems outside, I find it difficult to keep up with the work load especially in my second year and its just going to be much more difficult from here. During my free time I like to play games and such which then results in procrastination. One of my embarrassing moments in Macquarie was that I once accidentally answered a question in a lecture that i was completely confident on, but only to get it wrong. So, my entire life basically revolves around playing games, "study", etc, and trying to survive.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Hello Richard Gleeson, 19 years old, 2nd year E-business

Currently studying e-business under a bachelors of e-business. If there was one word to describe myself, then I would pick devoted yet easy going; well at least that's how I see myself. I'm not the type of person that follows sports but I would rather indulge myself watching and following gaming tournaments from games such as "Dota 2" and "Counter Strike: GO". However that doesn't mean I don't enjoy sports myself. I used to play a little bit of soccer during my primary school and secondary school years but lately, strangely enough I think volleyball is 'alright' too. As for any achievements I've earned recently.. that would be getting a motorcycle license a few months back as I had my eye on that new Kawasaki sports motorcycle. Richard had also mentioned during our interview the reason he picked e-business is because he was following his father's work in real estate and has been given that opportunity from his father himself to work with him as soon he had finished high school. 

Saturday 30 April 2016

Hello David Nguyen, 17 years old, 1st year actuary and applied finance

David Nguyen, Macquarie University, studying a bachelor's degree of actuary and applied finance. I like to play table tennis and checkers in my spare time. I am often described as sleepy and dopey. I am a heavy leave things to the last minute type of guy though I still manage to just pass my assessments. “Arsenal is the best" he says jokingly during our interview as David is also an avid "troll", mocking and shaming Arsenal football club for their constant failures in the past decade. David away from studying also enjoys the game of billards and the occasional halal snack pack. David’s accolades of HSP accomplishment in the past few months include the conquering of SK's kebabs Canley Heights, Blacktown Kebab Express, Chipping Norton Kebab house, Ashfield Metro One, and the mecca King of Kebabs Campbeltown.

Thursday 28 April 2016


Hello, we are the representative of the people of Macquarie University. We shall delve into the thoughts, experiences, and lives of the individuals that attend Macquarie University. Expect some great stories and insight from these people of Macquarie.
Note: Posts without photos are upon request of the interviewee.

The Blog will be written together by:

Andre Lim

Kim Nguyen

Darryn Chan

Hawk Mai